Tillandsia in the home or office must receive enough bright light (filtered sunlight) and moisture for a healthy plant. In place of natural light, a broad spectrum fluorescent light is recommended. Watering can be daily misting or weekly soaking. Ideal watering schedule is one to two times a week. Watering once per week for humid conditions and twice weekly for dryer conditions. If foliage begins to curl, this indicates the plant is dehydrated. To remedy, soak in water for 15 minutes.


Tillandsia reproduce by sending off pups (small offsets). While most send pups from the base, some will send pups through the leaves. It is common in many tillandsia varieties to see as many as 8 pups from the mother. When the young plants approach 1/3 the size of the mother, they may be separated


Though not vital to survival, the tillandsia may be fertilized once a month. Tillandsias absorb water and nutrients through their foliage. Choose a fertilizer low in copper as high levels of copper are toxic to tillandsia. Dilute fertilizer to ¼ strength. Fertilizing will prove to boost growth, color, and may assist in producing buds.


The tillandsia is very tolerant of a wide range of temperatures, with most species tolerating near freezing temps and high temps in the 90’s as well. However, temperatures in the sixties and seventies with prove the best for the tillandsia.

 Not enough water. If your Tillandsia are not receiving water from Mother Nature or humidity is very low, watering one to two times weekly is necessary.

Too little light. Especially if plants are indoors, need to be near a bright window (filtered light not direct sun light).

Tillandsia are epiphytes. Placing them in soil or covering their bases with moss can cause a wet environment resulting in root rot.

Too much fertilizer. Too much fertilizer can burn air plants. It’s important to use a non-urea nitrogen fertilizer, and dilute fertilizer to 1/4 strength of recommended dosage.

